Patches Pest Plus LLC, Pest control Plus so much more!

Patches Pest Plus LLC in Central MS is a local pest control company that does more then just exterminate bugs & wildlife. We make sure they can't get back in!Now offering payments through PayPal including PayPal Credit. Allowing thier approved customers and ours, the convienence of 6 month/no interest payment plans. See PayPal Credits website for full details.Need more information? Visit our Full Websire or feel free to call us with any questions.
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Residential Pest Control Service For residential structures, Patches Pest Plus LLC offers Quarterly Exterior services. Our first visit will set the inside of your home up with very strategic crack and crevice applications that you will never see, touch or smell. Monitor stations will be placed in areas pests frequent. We also inspect your attic, crawlspace and outbuildings. Outside, as well as each quarter (three months), we will then treat the outside perimeter of your structure. Sweeping your eves ridding spiders and wasps. A crack and crevice treatment and a spray critical area's to prevent pests from getting back in. Should nature ever get past our outside defense, just call. We'll come back at no charge! Mosquito, Flea, Spider and Bed Bugs Patches Pest Control has custom solutions to your Mosquito, Flea, Spider, Kissing Bugs and Bed Bug infestation
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Our Commercial customers enjoy a customized plan that is flexible to meet their individual needs. Monthly, Simi-Monthly or Quarterly service schedules are available and we can accommodate any size facility from a small store front to industrial plants. We'll keep you compliant, pest free and focused on what is important to you. All with the personal attention your opperation deserves. Click the phone icon below to call now!
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It sounds too good to be true, but once your home is fitted with Patches Gutter Filters, there is no more need in climbing dangerous and shaky ladders to scrape out inches of slimy leafs and pine needles. And unlike screens, debris can only sit on top the filters until a light breeze comes along and blows it off. No clogging, no build up, no maintainance! If that is not enough reason to install Patches Gutter Filters, we will also be eliminating moisture build up where mosquitoes might lay eggs, ants have no place for nesting and water cant back flow onto your wood work. One product offers you fewer pests and less chance of damage to your home and TIME saved each season! Click the phone icon below to call now!
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Patches Pest Plus LLC systematically surveys your structures outer walls looking for entry points. Drawing on years of construction experience, we will install Patches Wildlife Control System and leave your home looking like new. Sealing, screening, flashing and shutting all the open doors critters use to move in. Patches Wildlife Control also comes with a one year, renewable warranty that affords property owners continued protection from these invasions. If rats, mice, squirrels, snakes, raccoons, opossums or bats return we'll come back remove the wildlife and maintain the system at no additional charge! Click the phone icon below to call now!
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Water can cause building materials to expand, damaging both the estetics and integrity of the structure. Durring your no obligation inspection, Patches Pest Plus LLC will evaluate your property for potential moisture sources and issues and then propose services that can help control the cycle of moisture to reduce your risks. We will even propose repairs from existing damages to your property, making your remidy an easier one by offering a one vendor solution to your problems. Click the phone icon below to call now!
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We all want beautiful plants around our home and office. Thing is, pests love it. Mulch, flowering plants and over grown ground cover make perfect harborage for animals large and small. Often, if not kept up, this vegetation can even enter the structure where its expanding roots or branches can cause damage, letting water and pest have entry. Inspecting structures for maintenance issues or treatment can be limited as well. Patches Landscape service offers solutions to keep nature at bay. Click the phone icon below to call now!
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In some cases, the ground moisture levels are elevated to the point that a barrier needs to be placed on the ground to defer moistures evaporation to the dryer seasons. Excessive moisture could require drains, sump pumps, vents, fans or even a complete encapsulation of the crawlspace to stop or control the environment under your structure from getting to damp. Patches Pest Plus LLC has the expertise to know when these advanced services are required. Click the phone icon below to call now!
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Patches Bird Control uses a full range of products to help keep birds from roosting. Feel free to contact us for a no obligation inspection and we'll put a plan together to clean up their mess and keep them off your structure. Commercial or residential we can help! Schedule your no obligation inspection today! Click the phone icon below to call now!
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Patches Bug Lighting From Outside bug lighting that detures or even eradicates flying pests around your porches and entry ways... Patches NO DIG Sub-Surface fencing To sub-surface fencing that stops dogs and moles in thier tracks... Patches Repair Patches Pest Plus LLC can even repair your structure when damage occures. Realtor punch work welcome. Water damage, Bug damage, Fungus damage and more. Patches can do it! Click the phone icon below to call now!
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Spring cleaning helps reduce pests? As a kid, I'd rush home from school on a beautiful spring Friday anxious to finally start playing outside with the warm sun on my shoulders. I'd sling the door open, toss my book bag into the corner only to catch the most horrific sight out of the corner of my eye... Mops, buckets, rags, scrub brushes and a pile of other assorted cleaning supplies. MOM had other plans for my weekend. Spring cleaning time. After over 11 years of work in the pest control industry, I now see the beauty in this annual event. Let's look at this simple IPM (Integrated Pest Management) procedure and see how it benefits you beyond just having a fresh clean and shiny house. Kitchen: Pantry: Laundry room: Bathrooms: Closets: Not to mention the damage rodents may have caused chewing out holes behind furniture or stored items. Nesting comfortably in a box of photo albums
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As if Mississippi didn't have enough bug problems that warrant a regular Pest Control service, the "kissing bug" has once again made it to the States' watch list for transmitting the sometimes-fatal Chagas Disease. It often comes with flu-like symptoms that tend to last for several months, but can lead to much worse conditions if left untreated. How the bug spreads the parasitic disease is alarming. Here's what Texas A&M has to say about it: "The insect vector, commonly known as the kissing bug, can transmit the parasite to hosts by biting [typically near the lips] and subsequently defecating near the site of the bite. Bugs can enter homes, hunting cabins, dog kennels, or other areas where they may find hosts on which to feed. Dogs can also become infected through the consumption of infected bugs. Additionally, the parasite can be transmitted congenitally, through blood transfusion, and through transplantation of infected organs
  • 125 Summit Ridge Dr
  • Brandon
  • MS 39042